Life’s Choices and Discrimination

You are where you are because of your choices, for better or worse.  Somethings you can prevent others you can’t.  This article shall mainly focus on those things that you can control.   

One of the biggest issues that you hear people talk about today when they talk about lack of opportunity is that they are being discriminated against.  Discrimination is defined as “the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.”  Now discrimination is a very real, and it is not right nor is it fair.  But one thing that I take an issue with is when people try and say that they are being “discriminated against” because they have tattoos.

                I have read multiple articles about people who are on government assistance because they feel that they are being “discriminated against because I have tattoos on my face and neck”.  And have talked to others who have ink in visible places and have all said they same thing, that they felt discriminated against or could not get jobs in certain fields; and they all say the same thing that “it’s not fair”.  

            Well my friends I am here to tell you, that no it is not fair; but it’s still the way of things.  Tattoos can be very beautiful pieces of art, but they still carry a negative stigma especially in professional arenas.  And YOU are the one who chose to get that tattoo, especially when you get it on an area that is not easily concealable.  Now I have heard all the arguments how its “free expression” and “it’s just a tattoo, it doesn’t change who I am I’m still a good worker” and my personal favourite “it’s my body and I can do what I want with it”.  All of those arguments are true and valid, but they don’t matter.  All that matters is perception, the perception that your supervisor or any clients will or may perceive.  I don’t want to walk into any professional environment and see a tattoo on the person I am working with, no matter how cool or neat or deep you may think that it is its still unprofessional.  

            So in conclusion, always remember to think twice before you get that new tattoo.  Is getting a couple stars on your face to try and look pretty really worth not being able to get meaningful employment?  And just remember, that yes you do have a choice, and if you make a poor one it’s not, discrimination.
